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2016-2017学年人教新目标版英语九年级Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元练习含答案
36. We have a party. All the r                 are coming here.
37. A thief broke into the house and s                 many expensive things.
38. Ice cream is my favorite d                .
39. He isn't at home. He's away on b                .
40. If you don't finish your homework, your teacher will p                 you.
41. Our teacher often w                 us not to swim in rivers or lakes.
42. Knowledge and ideas s                 much faster than before.
43. It's a t                 in China to give presents at Spring Festival.
44. --- What would you do if you had one million p                ?
--- I would travel around the world.
45. On C                 day, families open the presents they have given each other.
46. Lu Xun was a great writer that many Chinese people                 (崇拜) him and respect him.
47. At Halloween, children will play a trick on their neighbours if they don't give them a                 (招待).
48. When my father called me from my hometown, I could feel the                 (温暖) over the telephone.
49. She did something wrong and they wanted to                 (惩罚) her.
50. Did the doctor                 (警告) your father against smoking?
51. He is someone that I can find it easy to do                 (生意) with.
52. What                 (传统) do you have at the Spring Festival?
53. The policeman arrested him because he                 (偷;窃取) a lot of money from the bank.
54. The Australians have many British                 (亲威).
55. Ann is a                 (陌生人) in the big city, so she has no friends. She feels very lonely.
56. 你们自己算出了这道数学题。多么聪明的孩子啊!
You've worked out the maths problem yourselves.                                   children you are!
57. 奥尼尔真棒啊!可惜他决定不打篮球了。
                 O'Neal is! But it is a pity that he has decided not to play basket-ball.
58. I wonder                                                                     (是真的还是假的) or not.
59. 我们确信你会成功。
We                                                    you will be successful.
60. 所有迪斯尼游轮行驶不同路线,但在相同地方停止。
All the Disney cruises take different routes but they                                                    the same place.

资料名称: 2016-2017学年人教版英语九年级Unit2单元练习含答案
文件大小: 83K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit2
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