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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Study skills教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:16-11-07

牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Study skills教学设计
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Meet five new friends and find the vowels in t heir names.
T: Well done, we meet five new friends. Let’s greet them one by one. This is Kate. This is Gene. This is Mike. This is Toni. This is Una. Now please read after me. Kate. Gene. Mike. Toni. Una. Great. What do we call the five red letters? Yes. They are vowels and today we are going to learn how to pronounce them.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Focus on the five vowels.
(1) Show some pictures of Kate and answer the following questions.
a. Where is Kate now?
b. What is she doing?
(2) Show some pictures of Gene and answer the following questions.
a. Who is the boy in this photo?
b. Do we call Gene he or she?
(3) Show some pictures of Mike and answer the following questions.
a. What does Mike like doing?
b. What else does Mike like doing?
(4) Show some pictures of Toni and answer the following questions.
a. Where is Toni going?
b. What is in her hand?
(5) Show some pictures of Una and answer the following questions.
a. What is Una doing?
b. What is Una using?
(6) Read the sentences together and pay special attention to the vowel letters in red.
2. Learn to pronounce the five vowels in stressed open syllables.
T: Please watch the video and learn how to pronounce these letters.
Read after me /eɪ/, /iː/, /aɪ/, /əʊ/, /j/ /uː/ /juː/.
3. Imitate and read. Read the 20 words after the teacher.
4. Let students read by themselves and check.
Step 3 Practice
1. Dictate the words.
T: Now please listen t o the teacher and dictate the words you heard.
2. Finish Exercise A on P15.
T: Please open your books and finish Exercise A on P15. Please put these words in the correct sound groups.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Let students read out the groups of new words.
T: You did a good job. This time, Miss Xue wants to see how many new words you can read out correctly.
2. Read the sentences.
T: Read t he sentences by yourselves and pay attention to the vowels.
Step 5 Expansion
1. Choose a petal and read the rhymes.
T: Here are five nice rhymes for you to enjoy. Each group can choose one petal and practice to read the rhyme. Let’s see which group reads best.
2. Finish a poem and read together.
T: Rhymes are wonderful and your reading is excellent. Thank you. Now Miss Xue has another poem. This time I’d like you to finish it. Anybody wants to have a try?
3. Read the words and choose some to make up sentences.
V. Homework
Read the words and rhymes on your paper.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Study skills教学设计
文件大小: 121K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit1
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