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一、单词拼写根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。(共10小题, 计10分)
66.Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some ____     about the lost plane. (信息)
67. To keep healthy, it’s ______ for us to exercise more. (必要的)
68. If students want to learn English well, they should learn about western _____ (文化)
69. It is a good habit to brush your teeth at least ______(两次)a day.
70.There is a tall ______  (建筑物) in front of my school.
71. Mr. Liu is handsome and                 (有创造力的).
72. The roads are becoming more and more        (拥挤的) because of too much traffic.
73. We can enjoy                 (新鲜的) air in the countryside.
74. Do you like to watch _______(动作) movies?
75. I often read some __________ in the school library.(杂志)
76.His father became ________(success) and rich because of his books.
77.Thank you for ________ (teach) me so well. .
78. Lily always writes the ________ (careful) of us three.
79. I like cartoons that can make me _______ (laugh).
80. I’m sorry to keep you _______ (wait) for me so long.
81. Do you have fun ________(learn) English?
82. The Palace Museum is really a good place ______ (have) fun.
83. Last term he spent a lot of time ______ (practice) his English.  
84.  Don’t forget ________ (make) the card beautiful.
85. Do you enjoy________(read) the story-book?

资料名称: 山东省博兴县2016—2017学年初二上期中英语试题含答案
文件大小: 153K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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