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2016-2017学年人教新目标版英语八上Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.单元练习含答案
46. He is very quiet, but his sister is quite o                .
47. Listen! Someone is knocking(敲) on the door l                .
48. The new student sat q                 and didn't talk with others.
49. Who is more h                 at school? Are you both lazy?
50. Our team is strong enough to win the c                 next week.
51. --- How was your summer vacation?
--- It was f                . I had a good time in Beijing.
52. The foreigner spoke slowly and c                 so that everybody could follow him.
53. He is a t                 basketball player.
54. --- What do you think of your decision to be a volunteer?
--- I'm s                 about it and I'll try my best to do it well.
55. If you want to be healthy, it's n                 for you to eat some vegetables and fruit.
56. Mary is an                 (外向的) girl. She always gets on well with others.
57. It is impolite to talk                 (大声地) in the library. Everyone should be quiet then.
58. He came into the room                 (安静地) because the baby was sleeping.
59. He is                 (勤奋的) than his brother.
60. Whose writing is the best in this writing                 (比赛).
61. They had many                 (虚构的) adventures together.
62. Describe what happened as                 (清楚) as possible, including all parts of the event.
63. She is a very                 (有天赋) dancer.
64. You'd better be                 (严肃). We're not joking.
65. It's                 (必要的) for a student to eat vegetables every day.
66. 只要明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。
We will go for a picnic                                                    it doesn't rain tomorrow.
67. 北京的天气和海南不同。
The weather in Beijing                                                    that in Hainan.
68. Though many children get Mr. Guo's help,                 (事实上), his family is not rich enough.(词数不限)
69. 他们的房子和我们的十分相像,但我们的要大些。
Their house is very                                   ours, but ours is bigger.
70. 你关心你的父母吗?
Do you                                   your parents?

资料名称: 2016-2017学年人教版英语八年级上Unit3单元练习含答案
文件大小: 216K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit3
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