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人教版2016年秋九年级英语上册《Unit8 It must belong to Carla》同步练习含答案
21. Is it necessary to a                 the meeting?
22. Can you offer me some advice? They will be the most v                .
23. Helen didn't go to bed until 11:30 last night. She feels s                 now.
24. Obama is the l                 of America.
25. The p                 of the meeting is to raise some money for the sick girl.
26. The boy is full of e                 and never feels tired.
27. We should e                 our thanks to others when they help us.
28. The bed used to be in this p                . Now it isn't here.
29. Their basketball team had a great v                 last month.
30. Who is more h                 at school? Are you both lazy?
31. Lucy with her parents                 (出席) an important meeting every weekend.
32. They should get                 (医疗的) help immediately.
33. The birthday present he sent me is very                 (有价值的).
34. I have done a lot of oral practice so that I can                 (表达) myself in English.
35. --- What's his                 (目的) of coming here?
--- I don't know.
36. He is                 (勤奋的) than his brother.
37. Can you find the                 (位置) of Tibet on this map?
38. Don't make any                 (噪音) when you are in the library.
39. He r                (收到了) a story-book on his last birthday.
40. We need a confident                 (领导者) to help us deal with these difficulties.
41. 这个笔记本一定是明的。它在她的书桌上。
 The notebook                                   Ming's. It was on her desk.
42. 这大衣不可能是弗兰克的。它对他来说太大了。
 The coat                                   Frank's. It is much too big for him.
43. 他们想它也许是风。
They think it                                   the wind.
44. Look! The alien is                                   (追赶) the man.
45. 我们必须阻止这件事的发生。
We must                  it                  happening.

资料名称: 人教版2016年秋九年级英语Unit8同步练习含答案
文件大小: 90K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit8
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