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人教版八年级英语上册《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》随堂练含答案(4份)
1. Liu Xiang is f_______ for hurdling(跨栏).
2. The TV play is very _______ (成功的); many people like watching it.
3. This game is very easy and _______ (无意义). You shouldn’t play it again.
4. The pleasant goat and big big wolf is a famous c_______.
5. He b_______ a great actor at the age of 20.
6. My uncle is a businessman; he is very _______ (富裕).
7. Can you tell me the _______ (理由)why you are late for school?
8. Jack was u_______; he didn’t pass the exam.
1. We are ready ________ (help) others.
2. I was ________ (luck) that day. I missed the bus.
3. You should ask him this question. He might ________ (know) the answer.
4. I ________ (lose) the key on my way home yesterday and I didn’t find it.
5. The action is ________ (mean); we must stop it.
6. I expect ________ (meet) my best friend in the meeting.
7. This movie is ________ (enjoy); we all like it.

资料名称: 人教版八年级英语上册Unit5随堂练含答案(4份)
文件大小: 39K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit5
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