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2017届人教版九年级英语上册《Unit8 It must belong to Carla》同步练习含答案
21. Is it necessary to a                 the meeting?
22. The watch cost me 1,000 dollars. It's v                .
23. Helen didn't go to bed until 11:30 last night. She feels s                 now.
24. Obama is the l                 of America.
25. --- Why do you come here?
--- The p                 of my coming here is to see you.
26. The boy is full of e                 and never feels tired.
27. I can't e                 my feelings, because I am too happy.
28. The bed used to be in this p                . Now it isn't here.
29. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics is a v                 for world sport.
30. Who is more h                 at school? Are you both lazy?
31. My father is going to a                 the meeting in Shanghai next Monday.
32. Can you offer me some advice? They will be the most v                .
33. After lunch, the children are s                 so they go to bed.
34. He is the l                 of the group. We should listen to him.
35. He went to town with the p                 of buying a computer.
36. She is full of e                . She never feels tired.
37. We should e                 our thanks to others when they help us.
38. Microsoft has taken the leading p                 in the world.
39. Our teacher led our class to v                 in this football match.
40. He is really h                 with his study, so he always gets the best results.
41. Thanks for                 (出席) the charity show, ladies and gentlemen!
42. They should get                 (医疗的) help immediately.
43. Helping others is the most                 (有价值的) thing in the world.
44. She can                 (表达) herself in good clear English,
45. The                 (目的) of the meeting is to tell us to control the population.
46. He is                 (勤奋的) than his brother.
47. He took up his                 (位置) by the door.
48. Don't make a                 (噪音) while we are studying.
49. Have you ever                 (收到) a present that you really hated?
50. His father has the ability to be one of the best                 (领导).
51. I promise to                 (参加) the meeting.
52. He gave all his money to                 (医学的) research.
53. It's nice of you to provide us with the                 (有价值的) information.
54. The little girl has learned to                 (表达) herself by email.
55. Do you know what the                 (目的) of this passage is?
56. We should be                 (勤勉的) students and work hard at all our lessons.
57. Will you show me the                 (位置) of the city on the map?
58. She looked round when she heard so much                 (噪音) behind her.
59. Dick r                (收到) a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt very excited.
60. We need a confident                 (领导者) to help us deal with these difficulties.
61. 这个笔记本一定是明的。它在她的书桌上。
 The notebook                                   Ming's. It was on her desk.
62. 这支钢笔不可能是刘颖的。她的钢笔是蓝色的。
This pen                                   Liu Ying's. Her pen is blue.
63. 这把吉他也许是爱丽丝的。她弹吉他。
 The guitar                                                    Alice. She plays the guitar.
64. Look! The alien is                                   (追赶) the man.
65. 我认为老师不会阻止我在周末玩电脑游戏。
I don't think my teacher will                  computer games at weekends.
66. 那个年轻女士一定是在跑步锻炼。
The young woman                                                    for exercise.
67. 这个包不可能是本的,里面的书是比尔的。(仅限2词)
The bag                  Ben's. The books in it are Bill's.
68. 如果你知道它可能在哪儿,请给我打电话。
If you have any idea where it                                  , please call me.
69. 警察追着那个黑衣人,进了一条小巷。
The policemen                                   the man in black                  a lane.
70. 我们必须阻止这件事的发生。
We must                  it                  happening.

资料名称: 2017届人教版九年级英语上册Unit8同步练习含答案
文件大小: 81K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit8
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