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2017届人教版九年级英语上册《Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》同步练习含答案
21. He isn't old enough to get a driver's l                .
22. The drivers should pay more attention to the s                 of the children.
23. Terrible things are a                 things.
24. May I have my own c                 of the food and drink?
25. Parents should e                 their children to behave well.
26. My family was poor in the past. I had no c                 to go to college.
27. Can you l                 these books up and put them on the shelf?
28. You should always knock at the door before you e                 a room.
29. Unless you get a driver's l                , you can't drive a car.
30. There isn't any danger here. You are in s                 now.
31. We should always keep an eye on school                 (安全).
32. He had quite an                 (糟糕的) day yesterday.
33. In the modern                 (社会), cars are becoming more and more important.
34. We should                 (教育) children not to play with fire.
35. We offer free technical                 (支持) for those buying our products.
36. Peter's dream is to                 (进入) a medical college in the future.
37. Going to Hainan Island for the vocation will be a good                 (选择).
38. If you get a                 (机会) to go there, please take it.
39. When an earthquake happens, we should run to                 (安全) as quickly as possible.
40. Last night he had a(n)                 (可怕的) dream, and he couldn't sleep well all the night.
41. 婴儿在喝牛奶之前,牛奶应该加热。
Milk should be                                   before it is drunk by babies.
42. 根据奶奶的建议,这汤应该煮上两个小时以上。
The soup                                                    for more than two hours according to grandma.
43. 西蒙后悔打破了教室的窗户。
Simon                                   the window of the classroom.
44. I think your carelessness must                                                                                      (妨碍) your success.
45. 我们不能自己作决定。让我们征求一下老师的建议。
We can't                                                                    . Let's ask our teacher for some advice.
46. 在中国不允许十六岁的青少年驾驶。(词数不限)
Sixteen-year-olds shouldn't                  to drive in China.
47. 为了让人物和事物看上去在动,每一张图片较之前一张图片都要有一点儿差别。
To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture                                                    a little different from the picture before it.
48. 我现在后悔吃了这么多面包圈。 
I                                   so many donuts now.
49. 坏习惯会妨碍我的学业。
Bad habits can                                                                     of my schoolwork.
50. 你年龄太小,还不能自己做决定。
You are too young to                                                                    .

资料名称: 2017届人教版九年级英语上册Unit7同步练习含答案
文件大小: 235K
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版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit7
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