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人教版2016年秋季九年级英语上册《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》同步练习含答案
16. I a                 an important meeting yesterday.
17. Can you offer me some advice? They will be the most v                .
18. That beer made me quite s                . I wanted to go to bed.
19. We all chose Li Hua as our l                .
20. --- Why do you come here?
--- The p                 of my coming here is to see you.
21. The band has lots of e                .
22. I can't e                 my feelings, because I am too happy.
23. The bed used to be in this p                . Now it isn't here.
24. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics is a v                 for world sport.
25. Miss Zhao said that Jack wasn't lazy and that he was a h                 student.
26. My father is the manager of the company, so he a                 lots of meetings every day.
27. Thank you for your v                 suggestions and I think they are worth taking.
28. After lunch, the children are s                 so they go to bed.
29. He is the l                 of the group. We should listen to him.
30. The main p                 of the activity is to raise money for children in the poor area.
31. Lucy with her parents                 (出席) an important meeting every weekend.
32. They should get                 (医疗的) help immediately.
33. Thanks for your                 (有价值的) suggestions.
34. The little girl has learned to                 (表达) herself by email.
35. --- What's his                 (目的) of coming here?
--- I don't know.
36. He is                 (勤奋的) than his brother.
37. He took up his                 (位置) by the door.
38. She looked round when she heard so much                 (噪音) behind her.
39. He r                (收到了) a story-book on his last birthday.
40. His father has the ability to be one of the best                 (领导).
41. Thanks for                 (出席) the charity show, ladies and gentlemen!
42.                 (医疗的) machines were badly needed in those earthquake-hit areas.
43. Helping others is the most                 (有价值的) thing in the world.
44. I have done a lot of oral practice so that I can                 (表达) myself in English.
45. The                 (目的) of the meeting is to tell us to control the population.
46. 我想他现在一定在睡觉。
I think he                                                    now.
47. 这件上衣对Jim来说太小了,不可能是他的。(词数不限)
The coat is much too small for Jim, so it                 .
48. 这把吉他也许是爱丽丝的。她弹吉他。
 The guitar                                                    Alice. She plays the guitar.
49. 我想阻止她追那个球。(共填4词)
I wanted to                  her                  the ball.
50. 我认为老师不会阻止我在周末玩电脑游戏。
I don't think my teacher will                  computer games at weekends.

资料名称: 人教版2016年秋季九年级英语上Unit8同步练习含答案
文件大小: 62K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit8
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