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16. The big bed which my father bought yesterday is very c                .
17. Alice will sing an English song in the school t                 show.
18. We can enjoy f                 air in the countryside.
19. Although he is p                , he is very happy every day.
20. Our class is going to win the first p                 for the exercises contest.
21. The T-shirts are both nice. He doesn't know which to c                .
22. You should read the instructions(说明书) c                 before you take the medicine(药).
23. Edison was so c                 that he invented a lot of things.
24. We should take these problems s                .
25. The t                 is near my home. I often see movies there.
26. The lovely sweater feels very soft and c                .
27. She showed her t                 for singing and won the first prize.
28. We can't breathe f                 air because of polluted environment.
29. He often helps the p                .
30. The winner in the talent show will get a good p                .
31. The bus has been in                 (服务) in Beijing since 1935.
32. As a                 (记者), he meets lots of people every day.
33. Mr. Liu is handsome and                 (有创造力的).
34. Tina's new song is p                (相当) beautiful.
35. There are many coats here; it's hard for me to                 (选择).
36. The girl joined in the Character Spelling Contest and won the first                 (奖赏).
37. His new car can sit five people                  (舒服).
38. Luckily, nobody was                 (严重) hurt.
39. The supermarket is so                 (拥挤) that l want to leave at once.
40. On holidays, people like to go to the country to breathe the                 (新鲜的) air.
41. The food in this hotel is good, but the                 (服务) is poor.
42. Lisa wants to be a                 (记者) when she grows up.
43. Fan Zeng is a                 (创造性的) artist.
44. The picture on the wall is                 (相当) beautiful.
45. Both of the jackets look nice on me. I can't decide which one to                 (选择).
46. 有人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的。
Some think that the lives of the performers                                                   .
47. 人们应在拯救濒危动物中起作用。
People should                  their                                   saving the endangered animals.
48. Liu Mei and Liu Ying have                  (一些相同之处). (词数不限)
49. 你是你们班最高的学生之一吗? (词数不限)
Are you                  in your class?
50. Dave是我们班上第二强壮的男孩。
Dave is                  of our class.

资料名称: 人教版2016年秋季八年级英语上Unit4同步练习含答案
文件大小: 156K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit4
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 2017秋人教新目标版八年级英语上Unit4单元测试含答案 17-11-14

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 新目标八年级上Unit4提优训练含听力MP3及参考答案 17-11-03

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 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 5同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 4同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 3同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 2同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 1同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标八年级上Unit4知识点精讲精练 17-09-25


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