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外研版八年级英语上Module5 Lao She Teahouse综合检测卷含听力与答案
1. We all like ______ (魔术的) shows of Liu Qian.
2. You can ______ (描述) how it happened slowly.
3. Lao She wrote many plays, ______ (小说) and short stories.
4. The actors and ______ (女演员) were excellent in the play.
5. Lao She was one of the most famous ______ (作家).
6. Tomorrow he will ______ [ʃəu] us many interesting photos.
7. A young man ______ [ˈɔfəz] to carry the heavy bag for the old woman.
8. Today is Tony’s ______ [ˈtwentiəθ] birthday. Let’s have a birthday party for him.
9. Lao She taught Chinese at a ______ [ˈkɔlidʒ] in London.
10. We can learn a lot about the old ______ [səˈsaiəti] from the TV play.

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版本年级: 外研版八年级上Module5
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