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人教新目标版八年级上册Unit5  Do you want to watch a game show?单元测试题含答案
36.Alice is twelve. If she wants to watch________,she should go with her parents.
A.The Secret World of Arrietty               B.To the Arctic
C.Madagascar 3:Europe's Most Wanted      D.Finding Nemo (3D)
37.You can finish watching the movie ________in one hour.
A.The Secret World of Arrietty                B.To The Arctic
C.Madagascar 3:Europe's Most Wanted       D.Finding Nemo (3D)
38.Which studio made the movie To The Arctic?
A.Warner Bros.          B.Disney/Pixar.
C.Studio Ghibli.          D.Dream Works Animation.
39.Who is the director of the movie The Secret  World of Arrietty?
A.Conrad Vernon.         B.Andrew Stanton.
C.Greg MacGiltwray.      D.Hiromasa Yonebayashi.
40.If you want to watch a new movie released in September,you can watch________.
A.The Secret World of Arrietty                   B.To the Arctic
C.Madagascar 3:Europe's Most Wanted          D.Finding Nemo(3D)

资料名称: 人教新目标版八年级上册Unit5单元测试题含答案
文件大小: 1971K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit5
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