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五、词汇运用  (20分)
66.Now Obama is the __________(总统)of the USA.
67. Our school football team needs the students’___________(支持) very much.
68. He is always the first one to ___________________(到达).
69.We saw the main________________(风景) in just one day.
70. Holiday is another way of saying ___________(假期) in Britain.
71. Millie’s dream is to become an ____________ (杰出的) teacher when she grows up.
72. Of the three boys Jack scored the ______________ (少) points.
73. _____________ (文化) is an important part of every society.
74. They feel _____________ (无助的) about their future.
75. ____________(最后),the clever boy worked out the problem.
76. I think Tom is __________________(humorous)student in our school this team.
77.Don’t tell others, boys. It’s a secret between us. You must keep it to_________(you).
78.Tom is always very_________ (care),but he didn't make many mistakes in the last exam.
79. Liu Hong kept _______  ___(study) for 3 hours last night.
80. Never offer_____________  (teach) fish to swim.
81. When the bell rang, students couldn’t wait__________(go) outside the classroom.
82. ___________(luck), he wasn’t in the house when the fire happened.
83. ----How long do you need to spend __________(draw) this picture?  ------Two more hours.
84. Take care, or you ________________ (hurt) yourself.
85. He _____________(discuss) books with classmates tomorrow, isn’t he?

资料名称: 丹阳市2016-2017年八年级上英语第一次月度独立作业有答案
文件大小: 529K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8A月考试卷
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