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A. 听对话,选择合适的图片或答案,每段对话听两遍。
1. W: Do you like playing football in your free time, Andy?
  M: No, I like dancing. It makes me happy.
2. M: What is Ann like?
  W: She has short hair and doesn’t wear glasses.
3. W: Bob, where does your mother work?
  M: She works in a school library.
4. W: Do you like playing football, Andy?
  M: No, playing basketball is my favourite. It makes me feel great.
5. W: What’s the weather like today?
  M: It’s sunny. But tomorrow it will be rainy.
6. M: When is your birthday, Lily?
  W: I was born on Women’s Day.
7. M: There are 38 students in Sandy’s class.
  W: Are they all Chinese students?
  M: No, three of them come from England.
8. M: How do you usually go to school?
  W: By bike. But I’ll take a bus when it rains.
9. M: Do you know your homework, Lucy?
  W: Yes, look at the blackboard.
10. W: Jack, do you often play with Kate?
   M: Yes, I do, Amy.
 W: Hi, Simon!
 M: Hi, Alice.
 W: Where is Daniel?
 M: I don’t know, but he often goes to the Football Club after class.
 W: Oh! Is he a member of the Football Club?
 M: Yes, he is very tall. He is good at sports.
W: I want to join Women’s Football Club, too. Can I join it?
M: Then you can ask Mrs. Wu. She’s over there. She wears glasses and has long hair.
W: The short one?
M: No, the tall one.
W: Thank you.

资料名称: 建湖县2016-2017年七年级上英语第一次月考试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 2105K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7A月考试卷
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