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牛津译林版9A Unit4 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习含答案
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牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习含答案
1.从那时起_______                     2.结果_______
3. bring... to the attention of_______   4.the national championship_______
5. score 20 points_______           6.hody type_______
7.give up doing sth_______          8.练习得更加刻苦_______
9.graduate from university_______   10.因为他的身高_______
1.___________(虽然)we tried our best,our plan finally failed.
2.The children___________ (要紧)more to the parents than anything else in the world.
3.Do you know how the first workers’ ___________ (联盟)came into being?
4.Just give me a chance and I will___________ (证明)it to you.
5.The plane__________ (逗留.保持不变)on the ground because of the bad weather yesterday.
6.The parents are proud of their children’s__________ (成绩)in the mid-term exams.
7.I suggest you see some of our __________ (国家的)parks.
8.They won a gold and a silver in the__________ (锦标赛)last year.
9.You can enjoy all the water sports, or __________ (仅仅)lie on the beach.
10.John is a born__________(领导者).He is confident and organized.
1. He's always been a follower rather than a_______ (lead).
2. Nothing can make them change their_______ (mind).
3.I felt a great sense of_______ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.
4.I bought the house_______ (simple) because it was large.
5. You have to work even_______ (hard)  to get ahead.
6. The twins are unequal in_______ (high).

资料名称: 牛津译林版9A Unit4 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习含答案
文件大小: 120K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit4
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