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1.    W: Why were you late for school this morning, Jack?
M: I’m sorry, Mrs Black. My bike was broken. And I had to walk to school.
2.    M: Will you go to Hong Kong on vacation this May Day holiday, Amy?
W: No, there are too many people during that time. I’ll go to an island in stead.
3.  W: I haven’t been to the space museum so far.
     M: Me, either.
4.    M: It’s raining so heavily.
W: Yes, it’s rained for a week. The radio says it’ll be sunny tomorrow.
5.    W: Alice, how much time did you have for writing the composition?
      M: We were given two hours, but I finished it in less than half the time.
第二节:听第一段长对话,回答6-7 小题
 W: I think I have seen you before.
 M: Have you? I don’t think so.
 W: Your face looks so familiar to me. Wait! I know! We were on the same plane from Shanghai to Beijing last summer.
 M: Yes, now I remember.
 W: How amazing to meet you here in New York.
 M: You know what they say, it’s a small world.
 W: Are you here on business?
 M: No, on holiday.
听第二段长对话,回答8-10 小题
 M: Come in, please.
 W: Good morning, my name is Mary. Mr Brown said he would wait for me at this time and accept my  
 M: Mr Brown is talking with guests. Please wait for a while. He will be back in five minutes.
 W: Excuse me, what time is it by your watch now?
 M: 5:10.
 W: I want to take a walk by the garden.
 M: Couldn’t be better.
 W: When he comes back, please call me.
 M: OK.

资料名称: 嘉兴市实验中学片区2017届九年级10月联考英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 227K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上月考试题
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