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1. His notebook is on the bed..
2. I have a brother and two sisters..
3. That is my cousin’s notebook..   
4. Jane has a blue pencil.
5. Those are my grandparents.      
6. M: What’s that on the wall?
  W: It’s a map of China.
7. W: Hi, Eric. What’s your telephone number?
  M: It’s 342-4583.
8. M: Hi, Jenny. Where is your dog, Coco?
  W: Well, it’s in the box.
9. W: Oh, it’s a nice photo. Who’s he?
  M: He is my brother, Mike.
10. W: Look, what’s on your desk?
   M: Wow, a new computer. Thank you, mom.
11. W: Excuse me, Paul, is that your dictionary?
   M: No, it isn’t. It’s Jack’s. My dictionary is on my desk.
12. M: Hi, Amy, does Eric have a soccer ball?
   W: No, he doesn’t. But he has a baseball.
13. W: Excuse me, is this your pencil?
   M: No, my pencil isn’t red..
14. M: Hi, Jenny, who is the boy in your family photo?
   W: Oh, he is my cousin, Mike.
15. M: Good morning, I am Dale. What’s your name?
   W: I’m Jenny Green. Nice to meet you.
M: Mom, where is my notebook? I can’t find it.
W: Is it on the sofa?
M: Yes, I see it. And where is my pencil case?
W: I don’t know. Ask your dad for help.
M: Oh,it’s under the chair. Thank you very much.
W: You are welcome.
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, my schoolbag is lost.
W: What’s your name, please?
M: Dale Smith.
W: What color is your schoolbag?
M: It’s black and white. And a blue watch and my school ID card are in it.
W: What’s your phone number?
M: It’s 557-8682.

资料名称: 合肥市庐江县2014-2015学年七年级上期中英语试题含答案
文件大小: 1365K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标七年级上半期试题
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