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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit8 Culture Shapes Us基础练习含答案
16. --- What would you like to eat?
--- I would like a b                 of noodles.
17. You can't use the car. It's p                . Its owner is Mr. Green.
18. Give me a s                . I want to drink some soup.
19. Robots will take the place of h                 in many work situations.
20. My son used to use f                 to have meals when he was a little boy.
21. We'd like four small b                 of noodles.
22. It's impolite to go into p                 rooms if you aren't allowed.
23. Jim, I'm making soup. I need a s                 of salt.
24. Robots will help to do most of the work, so h                 beings will have nothing to do.
25. Americans eat with f                 and knives.
26. There are two b                 of dumplings on the table.
27. It's hard for the famous people to have their p                 time and room.
28. People use the s                 for soup and dessert.
29. H                 beings make a lot of litter every day. It pollutes the earth.
30. American people eat with a knife and f                .
31. There are usually                 (地下的) car parks for shoppers to use in many big supermarkets.
32. We are lucky to live in the new                 (社会), so we must study hard.
33. The boy is about 80                 (磅).
34. He is writing on the blackboard with a piece of                 (粉笔).
35. Now many foreigners have learnt to use                 (筷子) during their stay in China.
36. Millie and Simon often get to the centre of Beijing by                 (地铁).
37. Could you tell me your opinions on the                 (社会)?
38. People in the UK don't use dollars or euros (欧元), and they use                 (英镑).
39. Can you bring me some                 (粉笔)?
40. People in China usually use                 (筷子) to have meals.
41. Many people can go to work by                 (地铁) in Nanjing.
42. With the development of                 (社会), more and more people buy cars.
43. I paid about twenty                 (磅) for this dictionary in London last year.
44. The teacher won't write on the blackboard with                 (粉笔).
45. The Chinese and Japanese usually use                 (筷子) to lift food to the mouth.

资料名称: 2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit8基础练习含答案
文件大小: 42K
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit8
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