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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit6 Movies and Theater基础练习含答案
16. --- Why is Mr. Smith so m                ?
--- Many students were late for class this morning.
17. The Eiffel Tower is in F                
18. Do you like to watch a                 movies?
19. We'll s                 you cookies and drinks soon after the plane takes off.
20. His mother is beautiful and his father is h                .
21. His mother was pretty m                , because he didn't go to school.
22. Paris is the capital of F                .
23. Jackie Chan is an a                 actor. We often see him in some action movies.
24. We must study hard to s                 the people.
25. Many young people like watching the TV play My Love From The Star. They think the actor, Kim Soo Hyun is very h                .
26. I was m                 at Danny because he lost the keys.
27. He speaks French. Is he from F                ?
28. Jack Chen is a great a                 movie star.
29. There was no one in the shop to s                 her.
30. The girl is beautiful, and her brother also looks very h                .
31. Hey, I'm the news                 (主管) at Beijing Radio Station.
32. Volunteers from different                 (背景) feel like part of one big family.
33. The                 (任务) was so hard that we didn't finish it in three days.
34. The city is on the western                 (海岸) of the country.
35. Would you like to be an                 (女演员)?
36. The                 (负责人) want to have a meeting to discuss the problem.
37. Hey, children! Don't make noise in the                 (背景). It is on air now.
38. My mother set me the                 (任务) of washing the dishes.
39. Would you like to go to the                 (海岸) with me?
40. Zhao Wei is a famous                 (演员) in China.
41. The                 (导演) of the film is Zhang Yimou.
42. People with different                 (背景) can be close friends when they work together as volunteers.
43. I had no time to finish the                 (任务).
44. Why did you stay on the                 (海岸) so long time? It was very cold.
45. Many girls in my class dream to be                 (女演员).

资料名称: 2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit6基础练习含答案
文件大小: 44K
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit6
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