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2016年秋仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 Making New Friends基础练习含答案
 1. May I borrow your marker,                 (请)?
 2. Mount Fuji is one of the most famous mountains in                 (日本).
 3. The little children learned five                 (数字) last week.
 4. There is an                 (苹果) on the desk.
 5. Can you                 (帮助) me?
 6. --- Is this your                 (铅笔)?
--- Yes, it is.
 7. Write a report about the                 (学生们的) holidays.
 8. Jane and Jim are my good                 (朋友). They are from the UK.
 9. There is a                 (地图) of China on the wall.
10. --- How many crayons are there in your pencil box?
---                 (八支).
11. Sit down,                 (请).
12. My brother lives in Tokyo in                 (日本).
13. --- What's your phone                 (号码)?
--- 3389-9307.
14. There are some                 (苹果) in the box.
15. Thanks for                 (帮助) me.
16. --- Thank you for your help, Lily.
--- You are w                .
17. Hi, Cindy. Nice to m                 you.
18. Her mother is a t                 she teaches in a school.
19. Washington D.C. is the capital of A                .
20. These are some photos of Lucy's f                . This is her mother.
21. E                 me. Is this your seat(座位)?
22. There are t                 hours in a day.
23. Tony and I are in Class Two, G                 One.
24. I like apples, pears and o                 very much.
25. That is my s                . I study(学习) in it.
26. W                 to Qingdao. Let me take you around(带你参观) the city.
27. Let's m                 at the school gate at 8:00 A.M.
28. Selina is our new t                 this term(学期). She teaches us English.
29. She's from New York, a famous city of A                .
30. Hello, I'm Bob. My f                 name is White.

资料名称: 2016年秋仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1基础练习含答案
文件大小: 45K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版七年级上Unit1
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 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 topic 1 Section C课件(6份) 17-01-14


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