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2016-2017学年外研版八年级英语上Module8 Accidents检测题含听力mp3(解析版)
1. The d river was talking on his mobile phone.
2. Wang Hai rides too fast.
3. Pay attention and stop at the traffic lights.
4. They’re riding side by side.
5. On the way to school they saw an accident.
6. The driver was going fast.
7. What else don’t you like?
8. I saw an accident on my way home.
9. Don’t listen to music when you’re on your bike.
10. When you’re riding your bike, always pay attention.
11. M: What were you doing when the accident happened?
W: I was walking along the street. The boy was listening to music, and he didn’t see the car.
Q: What was the girl doing?
12. M: What was the accident?
W: A car hit a boy at the gate of school.
Q: Where did the accident happen?
13. M: What’s happening to Tom?
W: He was riding too fast and didn’t stop, and hit a car on the street.
Q: Why did the accident happen?
14. M: Where is the snake hiding?
W: It appeared from under a plate.
Q: Where is the snake hiding?
15. M: How many accidents did Jack have last month?
W: A few weeks ago, a car nearly hit him. Last week he got hurt when he fell down a hole. Yesterday he fell off his bike.
Q: How many accidents did Jack have?

资料名称: 2016-2017学年外研版八年级英语上Module8检测题含听力mp3
文件大小: 2886K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 外研版八年级上Module8
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