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2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-09-27

2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习含答案
31. Welcome to our city and                 (享受) yourself here.
32. We                 (庆祝) our Spring Festival in January or February.
33. People usually wear                 (厚的) clothes on cold days.
34. We've got plenty of time; there's no need to                 (仓促).
35. The                 (最后的) exam is coming. We should study hard for it.
36. There are many                 (乘客) waiting for train at Dingxiao Railway Station every day.
37. He wants to buy himself a car when he becomes                 (富有的).
38. He                 (假装) not to see me when he passed by.
39. My mother bought me two beautiful                 (夹克) two days ago.
40. Jane is a                 (可爱的) girl. All of us love her very much.
41. The Greens enjoyed                 (他们) on May Day.
42. People in different places                 (庆祝) this holiday in different ways.
43. How beautiful the                 (深) forest is!
44. The boy                 (急速去) into the classroom and walked towards his teacher.
45. The                 (最后的) exam every year is very important for students.

资料名称: 2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习含答案
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 北师大九年级上Unit5
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