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2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit3 Creativity基础练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-09-27

2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit3 Creativity基础练习含答案
31. Yesterday Lily was ill, so she was                 (缺席) from school.
32. The two children                 (有分歧) all the time. Yesterday they argued about what TV programs to watch.
33. Mr. Liu is handsome and                 (有创造力的).
34. He could know great                 (音乐家) from around the world.
35. The ancient Chinese                 (发明) tea that is now very popular all over the world.
36. Maria is the                 (主人) of this blue car. We can borrow it from her.
37. The                 (污染) in our city is serious.
38. We hope you can                 (提供) us with some information about shopping online.
39. The car                 (工业) is important for the development of the old city.
40. She grows fast. The dress will                 (适合) her soon.
41. Tom often doesn't come to school. He is also                 (缺席) today.
42. What he said sounds impossible, so I                 (不同意) with him.
43. Tony is one of the most                 (有创造力的) students in our school.
44. My father likes                 (音乐家) who play different  kinds of music.
45. China is the first country to                 (发明) the umbrella. It has a history of more than 3,500 years.

资料名称: 2016年秋北师大九年级上Unit3 Creativity基础练习含答案
文件大小: 43K
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版本年级: 北师大九年级上Unit3
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 2016-2017北师大版英语九年级上Unit3单元练习含答案 16-11-02


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