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1.The text is mainly about________.
A.a big fire without serious injury    B.an urgent call 911
C.a brave babysitter               D.a babysitter rescuing kids from a big fire
2.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refers to________.
A.a union painter          B.a dry waller
C.the fire safety training     D.the apprenticeship
3.Before Lisa Pina called 911,in order to prevent the fire,she________.
A.let children get on the floor     B.opened the windows of the second floor
C.closed the door hard          D.had children start singing
4.According to the text,we know that________.
A.Lisa Pina was the last one to be rescued
B.the fire didn’t cause any injury
C.the children were sent to hospital after the fire
D.during the fire Lisa Pina wasn’t afraid at all
1.Carrying their heavy load,the two brothers walked along the riverbank,hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down.(完形填空第二段第一句)
(1)The sun beat down on the desert sand.
(2)The thieves had beaten the door down.
(3)The wheat had been beaten down by the rain.
(4)He wanted £800 for the car but I beat him down to £600.
2....then decided to find their way back to the river to catch some fish.(完形填空第二段末句)
(1)They found their way out of the crowded market.
(2)The hunter found his way into the deep forest in search of the injured deer.
(3)He thought hard and found a way to solve the problem at last.
3.After calling 911,she told the children to start singing and promised them all treats as soon as they reached safety.(阅读理解第二段末句)
(1)It was a real treat to visit them!
(2)Now remember this is to be my treat,so I’ll pay for everything.
【参考答案】1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 

资料名称: 2016-2017学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编(32)
文件大小: 411K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 高考阅读
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 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(八)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(七)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(六)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(五)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(四)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(三)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(二)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(一)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习《阅读理解》课时作业(48)含解析 17-10-26

 2018届人教版高考英语复习《阅读理解》课时作业(47)含解析 17-10-26


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