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七、根据句意或提示完成句子 (15分)
1. Simon is an              (诚实)boy. We all like him.
2. He likes telling              (谎言)? None of us believe him
3. What will you do             (在...期间)the coming Mid-autumn Festival?
4. We never feel              (无聊)in English class.
5. I hate the             (广告)when I watch TV.
6. My English teacher has a good sense of              (幽默).
7. Li Lei is the _____________(clever) student in my class.
8. This Maths problem is not difficult for you. You can wok it out              (easy).
9. Laura is a lovely girl with               (smile) eyes.
10. Is Millie ready              (share) her cake with her friends?
11. They had a good time             (play) football.
12.The weather is            (bad)today than yesterday.
13. The teachers often tells us              ( not spend ) too much time watching TV.
14. My elder sister is a little              than me. (thin)
15. I’ll try my best          ( help )Mr Green.

资料名称: 盐都区西片2015年八年级上第一次月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 11412K
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版本年级: 牛津8A月考试卷
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