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1.The underlined word“it” in the passage refers to“      ”.
A.her hair     B.her hand     C.his arm     D.his shoulder
2.The passage is most probably taken from      .
A.a chant     B.a drama      C.a novel     D.an essay
3.From the passage,we can infer that      .
A.the lady was the gaoler’s friend        B.the man lived a peaceful life
C.they hadn’t seen each other for years    D.they made a happy conversation
4.The old man took the lady’s hair into his hand again because      .
A.the hair reminded him of his daughter
B.he found the hair of high quality
C.the lady had almost the same hair as he did
D.the lady’s hair worried him so much
5.The writer attracts the readers by      .
A.describing the changes of the relationship
B.giving a vivid description of details
C.using funny and humorous language
D.presenting unpredictable consequence

资料名称: 2016-2017学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编(67)
文件大小: 159K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 高考阅读
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 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(八)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(七)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(六)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(五)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(四)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(三)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(二)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(一)含解析 17-10-27

 2018届人教版高考英语复习《阅读理解》课时作业(48)含解析 17-10-26

 2018届人教版高考英语复习《阅读理解》课时作业(47)含解析 17-10-26


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