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1. Bill Javis became a news-agent when ________.
A. he need the money.               B. he decided to take things easy
C. he was quite an old man       D. he gave up clock-repairing
2. Bill opened the shop so early in the day because ________.
A. he liked to do as much as possible before he went to work
B. the shop had to be open when the morning papers came
C. he was never sure of time
D. it was then that he did a lot of business
3. On that sunny afternoon, the writer was surprised when he saw Bill because ________.
A. he thought it was late for Bill to be still fishing
B. he thought Bill was ill, since he was not moving at all
C. Bill had not caught anything, and that seemed strange
D. Bill stayed in his flat
4. From the information given in the passage, who or what do you think was wrong?
A. The bell was; it must have gone off at the wrong time.
B. Bill was; he had dropped off to sleep.
C. The writer’s watch was fast.
D. Bill’s clock was wrong; it was old.
1. C 推断题。at a time of life when most of us only wanted to relax和He had been a long-serving sailor这两点说明他已上了年纪。
2. D 推断题。第二段开头说他6点开门,报纸在这之前已送到,而且还可以catch the early trade。
3. A 推断题。Bill通常4点会重新开店,而那天作者的表已过4点,Bill还没有离开的意思,所以他非常惊讶。
4. C 细节题。A项中go off是爆发,产生很大声音;B项中drop off to sleep是不知不觉入睡;文章中倒数第二段最后一句话this is dead right 中dead是“非常,完全”的意思,可见,Bill的clock没错。

资料名称: 2016-2017学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编(59)
文件大小: 61K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 高考阅读
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