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人教新目标版七年级上Unit2 This is my sister课后练习题含答案
(一)用be 填空
16.Millie _____________  a student.
17.Jim and Lily ____________ my classmates.
18.My parents ___________ very busy every day.
19.I  ___________ an English boy.
20.What ___________  your father?
21.The light ___________  red.
22.My name ______________Li Lei.
23.The girl__________ Lucy's sister.
24.There _________some fans in our class.
25.There _________ a big desk for the teachers.
A: Are these your photos, Lei Mei? .
B: Yes, Jim. Look! This is my mother. She is cleaning the house.
A: 26.                                       ?
B: The woman is my aunt. She is buying fruit in the shop.
A:Oh, this man is driving a car. 27.                               ?
B: He is my father.
A: 28.                                         ?
B: Yes, he is a driver.
A:There are so many people in this photo.Who are they?
B:They are my grandparents,my parents and my uncles.They are
    having a family dinner.
A: 29.                                        ?
B: I have three uncles.
A: 30.                               ?
B: I am not in the photo.

资料名称: 人教新目标版七年级上Unit2课后练习题含答案
文件大小: 33K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级上Unit1
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