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2016人教版七年级英语上Unit1 Period 3课件+教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-08-31

2016人教版七年级英语上Unit1 Period 3课件+教案
1.学生听懂询问人物的姓名和电话号码的对话;并在听的过程中 学会有目的地获取有效信息。
2.学生能会读、会写本课重点词汇:telephone/phone number和数字0~9的英文表述。
3.学生能运用What’s your telephone/p hone number?句式询问对方电话号码,并能正确使用英文数字进行回答。
3.请参考课本第4页,试着用英 语写出下面的电话号码。
923-1457 786-6590 452-0896 251-6839
Learn to sing the song Ten Little Indian Boys.
Listen to 1a
1.Listen and repeat t he numbers.
2.Number chant
Three,two,one,o.Let’s go!Let’s go!
One,two,three,four.Please go and close the door.
Five,six,seven,eight.Hurry up!Don’t be late.
Nine ,ten,nine,ten.Get a ruler and a pen.
Listen to 1b
1.Try to read the numbers:
Room 3804
2.What’s your phone nu mber?
Write your telephone number:   -   
3.Work in pairs,write down more numbers.
4.Fill the blanks in 1b.
Listen to 1d and 1e
1.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.
2.Listen to the re cording again,students writ e the letter of each telephone number in the blank after the person’s name.
3.Make a survey
—What’s your name?—My name’s Mary.
—What’s your phone number?—My phone number is 883-1542.

资料名称: 2016人教版七年级英语上Unit1 Period 3课件+教案
文件大小: 1381K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标七年级上Unit1
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