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31. The two sides failed to reach an a                .
32. The girl is p                 a car with her hair.
33. Trevor showed great c                 when he saved the child from the burning house.
34. Eating too much without any exercise will certainly cause w                 problems.
35. His personal w                 is estimated(估计) at around $100 million.
36. The doctors always e                 their patients carefully.
37. The little girl is too frightened, and her face turns p                .
38. The chair is very hard. It's u                 to sit on.
39. It's not my f                , so I shouldn't say sorry.
40. You must k                 the ball, not throw the ball because you are a football player.
41. Give some candies to the little boy. Don't                 (使失望) him.
42. It's almost impossible for the two sides to reach an                 (一致) about the issue.
43. The teacher, Yang Xiangming showed great                 (勇气) to jump into the river to save the boy.
44. The                 (重量) of these apples is about 20 kilos.
45. Knowledge is the most precious                 (财富) of all things.
46. It′s very                 (不舒服的) to sit in the armchair.
47. To be a scientist is my                 (目标).
48. I like travelling by                 (长途客车). I think it's cheap and comfortable.
49. Our                 (友谊) will be remembered forever.
50. The boy fell into the hole. We                 (拉) him up.
51. 他说他不想让他的老师和父母失望。
He said he didn't want to                  his teachers and parents                 .
52. 那部电影是那么的无聊,以至于使我中途想离开。
The movie was so boring that it                  half way through it.
53. 与其说他是教师,还不如说他是音乐家。
He is a musician                                   a teacher.
54. 你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果。
The                  you work at your lessons, the                  results you will get.
55. 专家建议我们在雾霾天不要一直开着窗户。
Experts advised us not to                  the windows                  all the time on hazy days.

资料名称: 2016年秋人教版九年级英语Unit11单元练习试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 3912K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标九年级下Unit11
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