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B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
51. It will be Helen’s __________(nine) birthday next Monday.
52. Have you noticed the __________(sad) on her face? What has happened to her?
53. The film Speed and Furious 7 is worth ___________(see) twice.
54. The weather will be warm and _________(sun) for most of the week.
55. Could you tell me the __________(director) telephone number? I want to talk to him.
56. Shanghai is ____________(large) than any other city in China.
57. They can’t go with us now. They ___________(not finish) the work yet.
58. Don’t _________(drop) litter everywhere. Always keep our school clean.
59. Every time I travel, I carry a camera ____________(take) photos.
60. Daniel ___________(watch) TV when his father came into the room.
61. 消防员们及时赶到,并很快扑灭了大火。
    The firemen arrived in time and __________________ the big fire quickly.
62. 我的表哥西蒙喜欢修补东西,对DIY很着迷。
My cousin Simon loves to repair things and _____________________DIY.
63. 你能猜得出这头大象的重量吗?
    Can you guess _______________________ this elephant?
64. 你们现在是成年人了,不应该依靠父母。
    You are adults now and should not ________________ your parents.
65. 这个小女孩没有其它办法,只好去找妈妈帮忙。
    The little girl had __________________ ask her mother for help.

资料名称: 江苏省宿迁市2015年中考英语试卷含答案解析(word版)
文件大小: 713K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 宿迁市中考
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