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66. Shopping on line has some advantages , such as ___________.
A. you must go to a store   
B. it can save your time
C. it always cost you much money
67. Xu Zijiao’s example in the second paragraph shows___________.
A. there are problems with shopping online
B. shopping online is a good way to buy things
C. how to buy clothes on Taobao.
68._____________ is World Consumer Rights Day.
A. March 12       B. March 15         C. May 1
69. According to the laws, consumers have the following rights except___________.
A. truthful information  B. free choice and respect   C. cheap prices
70. If you find there’s any problem with your goods, you’d better first____________.
A. call 12315    B. turn to the local government for help   C. talk to the seller
【参考答案】(B) 66—70 BABCC

资料名称: 山西省太原市2016中考英语阅读理解二轮精练(4)及答案
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版本年级: 太原市中考专栏
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 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(6)及答案 16-08-07

 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(5)及答案 16-08-07

 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(4)及答案 16-08-07

 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(3)及答案 16-08-07

 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(2)及答案 16-08-07

 太原市清徐县2016中考英语书面表达(二轮)选练(1)及答案 16-08-07

 山西省太原市2016中考英语阅读理解二轮精练(3)及答案 16-08-06

 山西省太原市2016中考英语阅读理解二轮精练(2)及答案 16-08-06

 山西省太原市2016中考英语阅读理解二轮精练(1)及答案 16-08-06

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