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64. Why did the man throw the clay balls into the ocean?
A. Because he wanted to exercise.        
B. Because he wanted to kill time.
C. Because the balls were too heavy.                    
D. Because he wanted to show he was rich.
65. It is clear that _______.
A. the man was a fool                     B. the man would know p eople better
C. the man got tens of thousands of dollars     D. the man have got more money
66. The underline sentence means that _______.
A. we will see the sunshine                     B. we will see a beautiful jewel
C. we will find the inner(内在的) beauty   D. we will find the external(外部的) beauty
67. From this passage we can learn _______.
A. we should break everything we find to look for jewels
B. everything is more beautiful inside than outside
C. everything ugly in appearance (外貌) must be beautiful inside
D. we can’t judge (判断) things or people only by their appearance
参考答案64—67 BCCD

资料名称: 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(5)及答案
文件大小: 133K
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版本年级: 晋中市中考专栏
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 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(6)及答案 16-08-02

 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(4)及答案 16-08-02

 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(3)及答案 16-08-02

 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(2)及答案 16-08-02

 晋中市左权县2016年中考英语二轮阅读理解精编(1)及答案 16-08-02


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