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56. Follow Your Heart is          .
A. the first thing you must do to make your dream real
B. the most important dream to have for teenagers
C. the name of a famous Australian writer  
D. the name of a book by Andrew Matthews
57. If you want to make your dream real, you should          .
A. remember what your dream is
B. keep telling yourself what you want
C. never be afraid of difficulties                 
D. try to start with all the things above
58. From the text, we know the word“challenge”means“        ”.
A. 变化          B. 挑战         C. 决定         D. 态度
59. What shouldn’t be done to make your dream come true?
A. Always remember what your dream is.
B. Watch T V instead of studying.
C. Do what you should do step by step.       
D. Save money to buy new books.
60. What is the best title for the text?
A. Make a Big Dream                        B . How to Find Your Real Dream
C. Never Stop Dreaming of Success           D. Teenagers Have Many Dreams
参考答案56—60 DDBBC 

资料名称: 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(四)及答案
文件大小: 149K
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版本年级: 绍兴市中考专栏
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 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(六)及答案 16-08-01

 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(五)及答案 16-08-01

 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(三)及答案 16-08-01

 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(二)及答案 16-08-01

 绍兴市诸暨2016中考英语二轮阅读理解精品选编(一)及答案 16-08-01

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