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九年级Unit4 Section A(3a-Grammar Focus)一课一练含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-07-27

人教新目标九年级英语Unit4 Section A(3a—Grammar Focus)一课一练含答案
require, background, private, crowd, speech, Africa 
1. When Jim walked out of the airport, he smiled and waved to the ___________.
2. I know nothing about _____________ music and American music.
3. More and more people are using _____________ cars to go to work.
4. Do you _____________ any more information from me?
5. My uncle wants to know more about the company’s ___________ information.
6. After a long _____________, Mrs. Smith sat down and had a cup of tea.
1. France and Switzerland are _____________(Europe) countries.
2. I find it hard to make friends in a new school because of _____________(shy).
3. How many _____________(guard) are there at the gate?
4. Now Mandy _____________(dare) to go out alone at night.
5. Look! The reporter is _____________(interview) Lily on TV.
1. Miss Smith talked about her experience _____________ _____________(在别人面前) for the first time.
2. I often see Tom _____________ _____________(闲逛) in the street.
3. How can you _____________ _____________(应对) sad feelings?
4. Tina said she _____________ want to be my friend _____________(不再).
5. They _____________ _____________(奋力坚持) until the battle (战役) ended.
6. Nina didn’t _____________ _____________(放弃) her job after she got married.
7. We can see _____________ _____________(许多) rubbish outside the park every day.
8. When did you ____________ ____________(开始做) the job as a doctor, Bob?

资料名称: 九年级Unit4 Section A(3a-Grammar Focus)一课一练含答案
文件大小: 18K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit4
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