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人教版英语八年级上Unit4  What's the best movie theater单元检测试卷含听力mp3
71.My parents don’t a_________ (准许)me to hang out with my friends.
72.Can you give me some a______ (建议)? I need your help.
73.Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s d _________ (发展).
74.Can you e _______ (解释) to me how to do this math problem ?
75.To my s _______ (吃惊), he can do everything that I can’t do. 
B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
76. There was an _________ (argue) happened between Tom and Jack last night.
77. Why don’t you sit down and  ____________ (communication) with your brother?
78. It’s crazy for Mothers to keep on ____________ (compare)their kids with others .
79. The teenagers have to work hard because of the _________ (press) from their parents.
80. My _________ (old) brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favourite TV show.

资料名称: 人教版英语八年级上Unit4单元检测试卷含听力mp3
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版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit4
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 2017秋人教新目标版八年级英语上Unit4单元测试含答案 17-11-14

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 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 4同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 3同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 2同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

 新目标英语八年级上Unit4 period 1同步练习(含答案) 17-10-06

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