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牛津译林版英语八年级上Unit4 Study skills课件+教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-06-29

牛津译林版英语八年级上Unit4 Study skills课件+教案
I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. master the usage of the prefixes un-, in- and im- ;
2. use the suitable adjectives in contexts, and express positive or negative meanings by using the right prefixes.
II. Teaching contents
1. New words and phrases: certain, active, possible, tidy, tidy up
2. The prefixes un-, in- and im-
III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
Use the suitable adjectives in contexts.
Express positive or negative meanings by using the right prefixes un-, in- and im-.
IV. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
Show the pictures and introduce the target words
T: Boys and girls. Let’s look at this picture. These boys like playing basketball. They are active in doing sports, but they are not active in study. Here “not active”, we can also say “inactive”.
T: Look, he is happy but he is not happy, or we can say unhappy.
T: I will finish my homework as much as possible. But it’s not possible for me to finish all of it. We can use “impossible” to replace “not possible”.
T: Millie’s mom is on business. Look her bedroom is not tidy. Can you help her make the room tidy? So we can use “untidy” to replace “not tidy”.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Introduce the prefixes to the students
T: All these words are opposites and these are prefixes. So we can add “un-”,“im-”, “in-”
before an adjective to express the opposite meaning.
2. Show the rules and offer more examples
T: For most of the adjectives, we add “un-” to make it opposite. Let’s see.
T: These words begin with “p”. If the adjective begins with “p”, we usually add “im-” before it.
  T: But some adjectives are special. You should add “ in-” before them to make the opposite meaning.
Step 3 Practice
1. Fill in the blanks
  T: Can you remember the words and rules? OK! Let’s check your memory. I think all of you can do a good job. We can add “ir” or “dis” before an adjective to express the opposite meaning.
2. Correct the words in the conversation
Read the conversation below. Add the correct prefixes to some of the adjectives so that all the sentences make sense.
T: Boys and girls, here are some conversations. Can you add the correct prefixes to the adjectives so that all the sentences make sense?
3. Complete the sentences
Discuss with your partners about how to behave properly in class or school, and then finish the sentences.
4. Complete the passage
T: Here is a story of the twins, but some of the words are missing. Please read the story and then
complete it. Don’t forget to use the words with prefixes. 
Step 4 Activity
Play a game: a magic box
T: Here is a magic box with nine cards, and under each card there is a task for you to finish. Choose any of them and finish the task. After you finish all the tasks, there is a big surprise for you! Believe yourself. Just have a try!
Step 5 Conclusion
Sum up the rules
For most of the adjectives, we add “un-” to make it opposite. (unkind, unhappy, unlucky …)
If the adjective begins with “p”, we usually add “im-” before it. (impossible, impolite …)
But some adjectives are special. You should add “in-” before them to make the opposite meaning.  (incorrect, inactive …)
V. Homework
1. Remember all the negative prefixes.
2. Try to find out some other negative prefixes.
3. Preview the TASK part.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语八年级上Unit4 Study skills课件+教案
文件大小: 1972K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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