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上传者:   加入日期:16-06-20

. 词汇运用(10)
1. The hunter s__________a rabbit in the forest yesterday.
2. You must find a place to h__________when the rainstorm comes.
3. He is too__________(虚弱的)to move or think or speak.
4. Look! He is__________(微笑)to us.
5. The news have__________(使激动)us all.
答案: 1. shot 2. hide 3. weak 4. smiling 5. excited
6. Let’s go to the beach instead of__________(climb)the mountains this weekend.
7. I can see lots of__________(monkey)are playing in the tree.
8. Tom learned a lot about the__________(west)history.
9. The famous singer got__________(marry)to an actor.
10. It rained heavily for three days, __________(turn)the city into a sea.
答案: 6. climbing 7. monkeys 8. Western 9. married  10. turning

资料名称: 2015-2016学年新目标英语八年级下Unit6同步练习含答案
文件大小: 641K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit6
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 2018年济宁地区八年级英语下Unit6单元测试题含听力MP3 18-05-10

 2018年春新目标八年级下Unit6教学课件+词汇句法课件ppt 18-04-03

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 八年级下Unit6 Section B(3a-Self_Check)课件(共21张PPT) 17-05-10

 人教版八年级下Unit6 Section B(1a-1d)课件(共27张PPT) 17-05-10

 人教版八年级下Unit6 Section A(1a-2d)课件(共24张PPT) 17-05-10


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