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1. The pencil is on the desk.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Smiths are cooking dinner.
3. Where is my hat?
4. It’s very cold outside.
5. He walks to the office every day.
6. What time is it now?
7. I’ve got a bad cold.
8. How long is your class programme?
9. What hobby is the most popular with you?
10. Daisy is really good at the piano.
11.   W: Bob, how much water do you want?
       M: Just a little, please.
       Q: How much water does Bob want?
12. W: Hi, James. What are you going to do this weekend?
       M: Hello, Jane. I’m going to volunteer in the food bank. Would you like to go with me?
       W: Why not?
       Q: What are the speakers going to do this weekend?
13.   W: Peter, I know you used to collect snow globes, didn’t you?
M: Yes, I did. But now I give up collecting them because my mom thinks it gets in the way of my study.
Q: Why does Peter give up his collection?
14.   W: What do you usually have for breakfast?
       M: Bread, black tea, orange.
       W: Don’t you drink milk in the morning?
       M: I never drink it.
       Q: What food or drink will the man NOT have?
15.   W: What did you do last night?
       M: I went to a small concert. But you know, when I arrived, the band was playing.
       Q: Which happened first?

资料名称: 甘肃省武威市、白银等2016年中考英语试题有答案(扫描版)
文件大小: 2786K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 甘肃省中考专栏
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