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1. What does Tony like playing?
A. The guitar.                          B. The piano.                       C. The violin.
2. How did John get to school this morning?
A. By bus.                              B. By bike.                          C. On foot.
3. Who does Frank think is the most popular student in his class?
A. Ben.                                   B. Jim.                                C. Peter.        
4. Where is the bookstore?
A. Behind the park.                  B. Next to the bank.             C. Across from the library.
5. Whose phone number does the woman want?
A. Kate’s.                               B. Bob’s.                             C. Nancy’s.

资料名称: 丽水市2016年中考英语试题含答案(word版)
文件大小: 536K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 丽水市中考专栏
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