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VIII.改写句子  按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
96. Jim can play soccer. (改为一般疑问句)
   ___________ Jim __________ soccer?
97.I usually get to school at eight o’clock. (就句子画线部分提问)
   ___________ ___________do you usually get to school?
98. “Do you have a toy car ?” Jack asked his brother .(改写句子,句意不变)
Jack asked his brother ________ he________ a toy car.
99.It was hard to believe that Kobe did not get a key ball into the basket at the last minute. (改写句子,句意不变)
  It was __________that Kobe __ _______ scoring at the last minute.
100.The government should set up some safeguards to prevent harmful vaccine accident from happening again.(改写句子,句意不变)
Some safeguards should ________ _________to prevent harmful vaccine accident from happening again.
IX.完成句子  根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
Let’s __________ __________ how to practice low carbon life, green travel.
102. 作为一种网络新潮,“抢红包”受到欢迎。
As a network fashion,Grabbing the red envelope ____________ ___________.
103. 在圣诞节那天,Tom的爸爸装扮成圣诞老人派送礼物。
On Christmas Day, Tom’s father_________ _________as Santa Claus and gave away gifts.
LRT will play a very important_________ in_________ the public transportation.
105. 围棋人机大战引起人们的广泛关注,同时还让人惊叹人工智能的发展。
Go man-machine war is widely_________ attention to, and it’s also amazing for people to see the _________ of artificial intelligence.

资料名称: 济南市天桥区2016届中考二模英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 11523K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 济南市中考专栏
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