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睢宁县宁海八年级下Unit7 welcome to the unit导学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-25

睢宁县宁海八年级下Unit7 welcome to the unit导学案
1.He took a letter out of his ______(口袋).
2.My mum had twelve years of _____ (educate).
3.Everyone in the game has the _______(平等) chance.
4.He likes playing ball games , _______(尤其) football.
5. _______(基础) practice is useful for learning English.
6.Be quick ! There is little time _______(leave).
7.He will go even _______(far) if his father punishes him again.
8.I hear that ORBIS needs lots of _______(donate).
9.It also works to present the s_______ of some serious diseases.
10.Do you know about any _______(国际) charities?

资料名称: 睢宁县宁海八年级下Unit7 welcome to the unit导学案
文件大小: 41K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit7
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