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牛津8B Unit7 Period4 Grammar教案
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牛津8B Unit7 Period4 Grammar教案
一、创设情境--Warming up
Help students review the Reading by asking some questions:
1) Where do ORBIS doctors do operations?
2) What is needed by ORBIS to help blind people?
More money is needed by ORBIS to help blind people.
探究活动一Talk about Passive voice
English is spoken by many people.  (Passive voice)
2) They built a new bridge over the river.  (Active voice)
A new bridge was built over the river.   (Passive voice)
We use the active voice when it is important to know who performs the action.
We can also use the passive voice when
1. It is obvious who performs the action.
Word processing skills are taught in our computer lessons.
2. We do not know or do not want to know who performed the action.
The printer was sold already.
3.We think the action is more important than the person who performs the action.
Educational CD-ROM are sold in many countries.
We can also introduce the person who performs an action with the passive voice using ‘by’. We put ‘by’ and the name(s) of the person(s) at the end of a passive sentence.
探究活动二Passive voice with by’
1.Explain that we can also use the passive voice when we want to mention the doer( 实行者) or agent who does something. Introduce the concept of ‘by’ which enables us to say the name of the doer. We can use ‘by’ to say who or what does the action.
2.  Read through the sample sentences on page 49 and make them understand how to use ‘by’.
3.  Tell the students to complete ‘Work out the rule!’ on their own.
探究活动三Do the exercises
1 Complete the sentences in Part A on page 99, then check the answers in groups
2 Complete the conversation in Part B using the passive voice.
3 Change the active voice into the passive voice.

资料名称: 牛津8B Unit7 Period4 Grammar教案
文件大小: 18K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit7
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