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1 Han Han is _______________(著名的) as a writer.
2. Are all of the bicycles these  ________  (工程师)?
3. Look! There is a wallet ____________(躺)on the ground.
4. If you want to know some  ______ (信息)about our hotel, you can call us.
5.My uncle will celebrate his _____________(四十) birthday next month..
6. The twins work in different ________________(公司).
7.Let’s watch some _________ (精彩的) videos together.
8.There is a ________(西方的) restaurant near my home.
9.Let’s take the _______(生病的) man to the local theatre.
10.We are so ________(幸运) to study in a school like this.
11. He is going to order a ______________ [dʌbl] room in a hotel for his grandparents in Sanya.
12.I want to study in America in the _______. I hope your dream can come true.
13. ---Hurry up, or you will _____ the early bus!    --- OK.
14. Don’t _______  about me, I can look after myself .
15. People in the west have dinner with _______ and forks while we Chinese use chopsticks.
1. There                   ( be ) a football match on TV tomorrow evening .
2. He has a big meal before                    (go) to school every day.
3. A group of students               (plan) a day out.
4. I think spring is the best time ________(plant) trees.
5.It takes him twenty minutes________(finish) repairing the bike.
6.The teacher tells the students ___________(not make) so much noise in class.
7.Thank you for ________(send) this postcard to me.
8.The sky is dark. I think it ____________(rain).
9.We look forward to _______(visit) the farm next autumn.
10.-----_______Mary _______(buy) some CDs tomorrow?  ----No, she isn’t.
1. 那个厨师正在教他们如何生火。
1、 家乡苏州,现代化的城市,高楼大厦
2、 许多大卖场,可以买到任何东西
3、 空气新鲜, 河水干净
4、 乘火车去上海只要40分钟;
5、 每年有许多游客来,喜欢逛园林。
6、 下个月准备带Lucy参观苏州,吃很多当地美食;
7、 想法或感受(至少两句)
要求:1.书写规范   2.条理清楚  3.包含所有要点  4.字数:70-80

资料名称: 南京市玄武区2015-2016年度七年级下3月月考试卷含答案
文件大小: 1493K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7B月考试卷
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