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Ⅶ. 词语运用(共6分,每小题1分)
56. — Please listen to me carefully and learn how to  ______ the word.
— I am listening carefully, Miss Zhang.
57. — With the policeman’s help, Linda  ______ her child yesterday evening.
— That’s good news. Everybody is worried about the little girl. 
58. — I’m afraid you can’t take away the books, because they are  ______.
— Sorry, I took them by mistake.
59. — Physics is the s______ that Mike likes learning most at school.
— He is really good at it. He often gets high scores in physics.
60. — I think it will be e______ for you to pass such a simple exam, Dick.
— I don’t think the exam will be difficult. And I will try my best to pass it.
61. — Jim is b______ with his work these days and almost has no time to look after his pet.
— He has sent his pet to his parents’ house. They will look after it.
Ⅷ. 完成句子(共14分,每小题2分)
62. ________________ giving me the address; I’ll write it down at once. (thank)
63. They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ________________ help. (ask)
64. ________________, Mary! You can do better than that. (come)
加油,玛丽! 你可以做得更好些。
65. Even now when I ________________ it I feel pain in my heart. (think)
66. I met a lot of old friends and we ________________. (have)
67. ________________ carry the box to your office? (help)
68. We finished our homework and went on to ________________. (watch)

资料名称: 湖北省荆州市2016年中考英语模拟试卷含听力mp3
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版本年级: 河北省中考专栏
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 河北省2016年中考英语试题含答案(扫描版) 16-06-23

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