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鲁教版七年级下册Unit6 Section A练习题含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-14

鲁教版七年级下册Unit6 Section A练习题含答案
45. She will look younger if she                 (wear) this new dress.
46. I don't know what                 (do) next.
47. If we get up late, we                 (have) no time for breakfast.
48. If there is a fire, I                 (call) 119 for help.
49. My mother always tells me                 (eat) more vegetables and fruit.
50. 如果你现在还不离开,上学就会迟到。
If you don't leave now,                                                    for school.
51. 如果明天下雨,我们就待在家里。
If it rains tomorrow.                                                                                     .
52. 如果我有时间,我就会组织一次聚会。
If 1 have time,                                                                                     .
53. 如果你很粗心,你就会犯很多错误。
                                                                                    . you will make many mistakes.
54. 我们应该相信那个人吗?
                                                   that man?
55. 你能给我一些有关唱歌的建议吗?
Can you                  me                                   on singing?
56. 五一劳动节是去度假的好时间。
May Day is a                                                    go on vacation.
57. 如果他成了一名职业运动员,全世界的人都会知道他。
If he becomes a professional athlete, people around the world                                                   .
58. 如果今晚她去看电影了,她就不能完成作业了。
If she                                                                     tonight, she won't be able to finish her homework.
59. 天黑了,你应该打车回家。
It is dark, you should                                                    to go home.

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版本年级: 鲁教版七年级下Unit6
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