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  M: OK, Mom. I’m coming.
2. W: When does the train leave?
M: Take your time. It won’t leave until 10:30 a.m. We still have fifteen minutes.
3. W: How cloudy! Did you listen to the weather report this morning?
  M: Yes, I did. It said there will be a heavy rain with strong wind this afternoon.
4. W: Hello! What can I do for you?
M: I don’t feel very well these days. I think I’ve caught a cold.
W: OK. Let me examine you carefully and see what the matter is.
5. W: What day is it today, Jack?
M: Today is Thursday.
W: Am I supposed to meet my aunt at the train station tomorrow?
M: No. Your aunt will arrive here the day after tomorrow.
W: Your iPad looks cool, Bob.
M: Thank you. I got it on my thirteenth birthday last week.
W: Did you get it from your parents?
M: No. My uncle bought it for me online. I really like it.
W: Are you writing an email to your friend?
M: No. I am searching for pictures.
W: I see.
W: Li Wei, you are good at English writing. Can you give me some advice?
M: I just made two pen pals, Paul and Tina. Paul is from America and Tina is from England.
W: Tell me more.
M: I send e-mails to both of them once a week. If I make any mistakes in the e-mails, they will tell me about them. They also teach me some writing skills.
W: Sounds great! How can I make a pen pal?
M: Tina’s elder sister Jane wants to have a Chinese friend. I will ask Tina for Jane’s e-mail address tonight.
W: You are so nice! Thank you very much.

资料名称: 慈溪市2016年初中毕业生学业考试模拟英语试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 6850K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 宁波市中考专栏
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