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66. Last week, we went to the b _______ to see the sea.
67. Lily has to s_______ at home because she doesn’t feel well.
68. It’s windy. Let’s go out and fly a k______.
69. The baby can’t walk well yet. He can only m____ his legs to get to the bed.
70. To my s_________, she got the first place in the running race.  
71. Mr. Hand keeps thirty ________(绵羊) on the farm.
72. As a _________(游客) , he wanted to know all the things about the town.
73. They didn’t ___________(开始) to learn to play the violin two years ago.
74. They like to ___________(扎营) when they are free.
75. Nancy looked very __________(疲劳的) this morning.

资料名称: 广西平南县2015-2016年七年级下英语Unit12测试题含答案
文件大小: 70K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下Unit12
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