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上传者:   加入日期:16-05-09

 1. I                 (know) him since two years ago.
 2. There are many                 (different) between you and me.
 3. Three fourths of the students                 (be) boys.
 4. Please tell me how                 (send) an e-mail.
 5. This is the football player                 (call) Messi.
 6. Has she                 (be) to the U.S. twice?
 7. These flowers have been                 (water) by Ann.
 8. There are about 2                 (million) people in this city.
 9. In China people shake hands                 (show) their friendship.
10. 'Biscuit'is another way of                 ( say) 'cookie'.
11. 如果凯特来了,请给我打电话。
Please                                                    if Kate comes.
12. 到世界各地旅行真有趣!
It's fun                                   around the world!
13. 这是一首刘欢唱的歌。
This is a song                                   Liu Huan.
14. 你们刚才在外面踢足球尽兴吗?
Did you                                   playing football outside just now?
15. 黄岩岛占地面积约150平方公里。
Huangyan Island covers about 150                                  .

资料名称: 冀教版八年级下册Unit7单元检测试卷含答案
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 冀教版八年级下Unit7
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