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牛津深圳版九年级下Unit5 Sport单元练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-06

初中英语牛津深圳版九年级下册Unit5 Sport单元练习含答案
76. It's too cold outside. You need to put on your g                .
77. I saw a c                 of students get out from the school gate.
78. Manatees are quiet and not dangerous. They are g                 and shy.
79. Amy made such r                 progress that her teacher praised her in front of the whole class.
80. He is afraid he can't pass the exam. He has a lot of s                .
81. We must keep a                 (平衡) of the environment.
82. The guide told me to take care of my                 (护照) during traveling abroad.
83. Do                 (加拿大人) speak English and French?
84. Every student wants to get good grades in the                  (最后的) exam.
85. Mr. Green is from                 (加拿大).
86. 你什么时候来我家?我迫不及待想见你。
When will you come to my house? I                                                    meet you.
87. 说实在的,我根本不想失去这份友谊。
                                                  , I don't want to lose the friendship at all.
88. We should exercise to                  us                 (增强体质).
89. 这种寒冷的天气将很快结束。(词数不限)
The cold weather                 .
90. 人们将永远记住那小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。(词数不限)
The little girl                  forever by people for her sweet smile when she was in danger.

资料名称: 牛津深圳版九年级下Unit5 Sport单元练习含答案
文件大小: 103K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津深圳版九年级下Unit5
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